Upcoming events.
Event Four
Super MAGFest, National Harbor, MD. We are excited to have been accepted into the MAGFest Indie Tabletop Showcase (MITS). Come check out free demos of Exit Vector at the RPG room this January at the Super MAG Fest. If you have not been it is a 4 day festival that celebrates all thins music and gaming. While the focus is on video games there is an entire ball room full of table top games where we will be showcasing. Come Check us out with demos that can go from 2 minutes to 20 minutes to 2 hours. Whatever you have time for. Just look for the sign with the giant Exit Vector on it!
Event Five
GenCon 2025. We will be attending GenCon again this year bringing high speed low drag urban aerial combat to tables games. Let us know if you are coming!
Event Three
GenCon 2024. The Vector Tridens crew ran several full tables (3 six person table a day) running Exit Vector for Shadowrun and demos. We know we are behind on adding pictures to the website put check us out on the socials https://www.facebook.com/p/Vector-Tridens-100088674334623/.
Event Two
GenCon 2023. We had a blast supporting games focusing on our Exit Vector for Shadowrun rules that can be found on DriveThruRPG https://www.drivethrurpg.com/. We ran several tabletop sessions with great feedback. Chopper, Grendel, matt, OC ,and Tempest were all in attendance.